Monsooned coffees of India: Made by accident

The term ‘Monsooned Malabar’ was coined following an historical accident, when cargoes of Indian coffee beans destined for Europe through the Cape of Good Hope were exposed to frequent heavy humidity and moist sea winds on their long, arduous journeys. When Indian traders shipped high quality Arabica to Scandinavia, few realised they were about to create a new fashion that would capture the imagination of world markets.

On the high seas for up to 10 weeks, the coffee beans absorbed salty moisture and underwent physical and chemical changes, giving a peculiar mellow taste. These beans were a hit with consumers in Norway, Sweden and Denmark. A few years later, faster shipping services cut the journey to four weeks, preventing sea moisture from playing its usual role. Customers which had become accustomed to this special flavour, forced India to stimulate the salty condition on its western coast and produce the famous “Monsoon Malabar”, a popular coffee that is now recognised as a gourmet cup all over the world.

Monsooned Malabar

Today, transportation has dramatically improved and so the monsooned aging process has instead been replicated at origin. The coffee is laid out in specially constructed, open-sided warehouses, where it is then exposed to the monsoon winds. The rainy season in Karnataka state begins in June, when the coffee is laid out in the warehouses for several days, regularly raked, turned and tended to, thus ensuring even exposure and the prevention of mold or taints developing. After this period, the coffee is bagged but is still left in the open warehouse, with the winds blowing through. The Monsooning is then complete, followed by grading and is then ready for shipment from October onwards.

Cup profile

Well-developed heavy body, muted acidity and complex flavours. Because of its unique process, the Monsooned Malabar eliminates the high bright notes in coffee. What remains is a full bodied low note coffee that is ideal for balancing the brighter coffees in your espresso blend.

The Monsooning Process

While Arabica Coffee is harvested from November to February, Robusta Coffee is harvested from January to April. Arabica & Robusta coffee is selected and sun-dried. Monsooned Coffee involves only Cherry/Natural Coffee.

From June through September, the selected beans are exposed to moisture-laden monsoon winds in well-ventilated warehouses in the western coastal belt of Karnataka District. Shipped from October onwards as new crop. (Not old crop).

Monsooned Malabar AA

The best among monsooned coffees, Monsooned Malabar AA, is the product of high quality Arabica Cherry (Unwashed) A grade beans. 90 % standing on a sieve standard of 7.25mm, this clean garbled lot can sell itself for its sheer size, shape and sheen. And in cup, with a body so smooth and full, a pleasant earthy flavor, the acidity toned down – a trait known as mellowness is any coffee connoisseur’s delight.

Monsooned Malabar

The monsooning process also churns out a series of by-products that is soft on the palate which can make a big difference to your blends viz. Monsooned Basanally, Monsooned Arabica Triage and Monsooned Robusta Triage.

Monsooned Basanally

Outcome of the monsooning of Arabica cherry beans, having a minimum 75% by weight standing on a sieve with round holes of 6.5mm (between screen Nos. 16 &17), clean garbled, containing 3% triage.

Monsooned Arabica Triage

Collection of triage formed from monsooning Arabica cherry beans, 90% by weight standing on a sieve with round holes of 6.00 mm (screen No. 15), containing no more than 3% of blacks/browns and or bits.

Monsooned Robusta AA

Monsooned Robusta AA, is the outcome of the Robusta Cherry (Unwashed) beans subjected to monsooning. A touch smaller in size, sticking to a sieve standard of 90% on 7.10 mm (screen 18), it is known for its bold and roundish physical traits. The cup reveals a similar smooth, full bodied mellowness but is a tinge heavier that gives it a distinctive punch.

Monsooned Robusta Triage

Triage emanating from monsooning of Robusta cherry, minimum 75% by weight standing on a sieve with round holes 6.00mm (screen No.15), containing not more than 3% of blacks/ browns and /or bits.

Monsooned Robusta





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