Buying fresh produce from a market in bulk but forgetting to use them on time is not an unfamiliar issue in any household. You either order dinner after a tiring day to avoid cooking, or simply use an ingredient that leads to another one being wasted. What if there was someone who could provide you with the exact amount of fresh, organic produce to your doorstep as you need, precisely on time? Bangalore based Farmizen is making it a reality!
Co-founded by Gitanjali Rajamani and Shameek Chakravarty, Farmizen, an online farmers’ market, is much more than that. Shameek describes Farmizen as a “a farm to fork marketplace connecting responsible organic farmers across India, to conscious consumers in Bengaluru and Hyderabad.” The duo holds actual farmer’s markets regularly, while their app allows users to even grow their own farms. Gitanjali and Shameek take the need for healthy and organic food from soil in a polluted, urban setting very seriously. So recently, they initiated a rent-a-farm service for the Bengalureans, where just like a mobile game, they can choose what to grow in the 600 square foot space, when to harvest them, and at what time to have the produce delivered- it is that easy! For more on-ground involvement, users can also choose to take some time out to visit their mini farm, harvest the vegetable on their own and take them home. The initiative creates one’s own little village in the fast- paced city life.
The thought behind Farmizen is to remove all barriers to a direct link between consumers and organic farmers. Shameek says, “Farmizen is building an alternate supply chain which is optimised for soil health, farmer income, and consumer health.” The brand partners with local farmers and farms that practise regenerative, organic, or natural agriculture. Gitanjali and Shameek have kept their doors open for communication with any such individuals or groups who want to sell their produce directly to conscious consumers, through a simple form on their website. At present, they are in partnership with a good number of organic farming pioneers, like Hampi Organics, Shree Matrubhoomi Organics, Deccan Organics et al. A newly interested person can check out the stories and farms of these partners in Farmizen’s social media and website without any hassle, to really know where their food is coming from.
In the Veggie Harvest Bundle for example, along with onion, potato, lemon, and some greens, seasonal vegetables are included based on availability. The best part is, the subscriber can adjust their preferences according to which the team will avoid the veggies you have listed as disliked by you, and based on such filters, will specifically grow more of the ones that are on demand- there’s no space for wasted surplus! Shameek informs, “We sell only to consumers in Bengaluru and Hyderabad currently and will be launching in Mumbai by end of 2024.”
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