Heard of Ruby chocolate? It comes from the unique Ruby Cocoa Bean

Made from the Ruby cocoa bean, Ruby chocolate is the biggest innovation in chocolate in 80 years. 

Like grapes for fine wines, cocoa beans are influenced by the terroir in which they grow. The Ruby cocoa bean grows in the unique climate conditions of Ecuador, Brazil and Ivory Coast. This true gift of nature’s exceptional composition results in the natural ruby colour of the fourth chocolate – without adding any colourants or fruit flavourings.

The Ruby chocolate production process

Barry Callebaut owns the unique processing of this pink chocolate and is its only supplier. To unlock the properties of the Ruby bean and create Ruby chocolate, the full production process from the cocoa bean to the Ruby chocolate is carefully managed. Fermentation, temperature, conching time and the acidity level are key process parameters.

Like for any dark, milk and white chocolate, the unique processing is key. Chocolate does not grow by itself, it’s the processing of the ingredients that unlocks the colours and flavours that are naturally present in the beans. The same is true for Ruby chocolate. There is no need to use any additives, all is included in the bean itself. This means the pink ruby colour and fruity flavour of Ruby chocolate is 100% natural.

Unique Ruby Cocoa Bean

To create Ruby chocolate, Barry Callebaut uses citric acid that is abundantly found in nature, in a variety of fruits and vegetables, like citrus fruits. Lemons and limes have particularly high concentrations of the acid.

Ruby’s fruitiness and slightly sour profile unlock creative ideas for confectionery, cakes & pastries, biscuits and many more. And with its all-round fluidity, Ruby chocolate is perfect for a wide range of technologies, ranging from confectionery molding and enrobing, to pastry mousses, etc.

Ruby chocolate’s delicious, intense berry flavour also works well with the most unusual combinations. From salted caramel, spices like pepper, or herbs like rosemary, to unexpected ingredients like wasabi or exotic fruits such as lychee or mango, the possibilities are endless. Food lovers will be delighted with the variety of dishes and drinks that ruby chocolate can accompany: bold cheese like Roquefort or Camembert, caviar, rosé champagne and wine, fruity beers and even green tea or saké.

Why Ruby?

Each type of chocolate answers a different consumer need. White chocolate, with its sweet, creamy flavour, is perfect for sharing experiences with friends and family. Milk chocolate satisfies our need to unwind and relax, thanks to its richness and versatility. And the bitter, strong taste of dark chocolate is an excellent way to recharge and boost our self-esteem.

Ruby chocolate answers the consumer’s need for hedonistic indulgence, meaning the quest of ultimate pleasure. Its unmatched taste is an intense sensorial delight because of the tension between berry fruitiness and smoothness.

Consumers like Ruby chocolate because of its unique look and are extremely curious to try it. They love the taste, so Ruby chocolate is here to stay and will undoubtedly change the future of chocolate.

Ruby chocolate is recognised as one of the biggest chocolate breakthroughs in decades according to chefs and chocolatiers. The innovative pink chocolate was featured in global entertainment shows such as Saturday Night Live, Masterchef and the Academy Awards.

At this year’s ISM, the world’s largest trade fair for sweets and snacks, eleven brands announced the introduction of Ruby chocolate in their products. Check out the crowdsourced platform rubychocolate.com to see an overview of launches by brands around the globe and what Ruby consumer experiences are trending.

Ruby pairing options

Ruby chocolate’s fruity taste calls for bold and unusual food pairings. But pay close attention when working with Ruby chocolate to ensure the chocolate keeps its original flavour and colour.

When using Ruby chocolate be mindful that it is sensitive to moisture, oxygen and light. Storing it in its original packaging to maintain the colour and shape is advised. The chocolate works well with fat-based fillings, but needs care when used in combination with water-based ingredients. Keep in mind that it is also unstable when baked and unsuitable for extrusion.

Ruby Pairing

Barry Callebaut owns the unique processing of this pink chocolate and is its only supplier. The brand’s Ruby cocoa beans are 100% sustainably sourced and are Cocoa Horizons certified, which works directly with farmer groups, supporting their training and empowering farmers to excel in their craft. Ruby chocolate also respects the UTZ standards.

Today, Ruby chocolate can be found all over the world. Over the last year iconic brands, like Magnum, Costa and Baci, launched Ruby chocolate creations. Magnum launched the first ice cream with Ruby chocolate, Costa a unique drink and Baci their iconic praline.

Magnum Ruby

Magnum ice cream, the global authority on ice cream and chocolate, introduces the new Magnum Ruby and in doing so, becomes the first ice cream brand to launch an ice cream featuring ruby chocolate.

Since the very first Magnum back in 1989,  Barry Callebaut & Magnum,  have been crafting unique chocolate creations together. For the development of Magnum Ruby, we worked closely with the Magnum team to define the perfect ruby chocolate with the iconic crack.

Ruby Icecream

To create a new chocolate experience Magnum found the perfect pairing for Ruby with the white chocolate ice cream and raspberry swirl, bringing a new Ice cream chocolate experience to life, lusciously smooth and fruity. Unilever is launching Magnum ruby across Europe and to the world.

Costa Coffee’s Ruby Hot Chocolate

Costa Coffee is a pillar of the coffee industry, one which has recently disrupted the market by launching a unique product, Ruby Hot Chocolate. This ruby hot chocolate has not only opened up consumers to the unique natural berry tastes of ruby chocolate, but also added value to the hot chocolate market. Ruby chocolate offers you a 4th option when choosing your preferred hot chocolate beverage. With this launch, the 4th type of chocolate has officially integrated all chocolate applications.


Baci Perugina limited edition with Ruby cacao beans

The 100-year-old Italian brand Baci represents an icon in the pralines world. Back in 1922, the brand name Baci, which literally means “kisses” in Italian, was born. And almost 100 years later they launched the limited edition: Baci Perugina with Ruby cocoa beans.

The velvety pink Ruby chocolate meets the traditional “kiss” of hazelnut sablage with dark chocolate and a whole hazelnut on top. This results in a unique combination of balanced, sweet fruity and nutty flavours next to crunchy and smooth textures.

Ruby Cocoa Bean

Source: Barry Callebaut

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