We have maps for roads.  Why not maps for farms?

SmartCloudFarming (https://smartcloudfarming.com) started as a project of three university graduates in Berlin/Germany, in 2018. Their aim: make use of earth observation to make agriculture productive, resilient and sustainable.

Over the next twelve months many changes and challenges followed: The focus settled on soil health and productivity, and the initial project team of three was reduced to just one.

During this challenging period, Michele Bandecchi guided SmartCloudFarming forward by building a new team, generating visibility, and being accepted to the prestigious Copernicus Incubator.

In 2019, SmartCloudFarming was selected by Indigo Ag as one of three European semifinalists for their global Terraton Challenge.

Soil Mapping

Today, SmartCloudFarming’s new and growing team led by co-founders Bandecchi and Suvrajit Saha is supported by an international team of specialist collaborators and experienced mentors. Their mission: To save the world’s soils and transform agriculture to an advanced and a minimal-emission industry.

Their vision: To map the world’s soils in 3D and enable data-driven remote soil management using earth observation data at all times.

Why soil analytics?

Soil is more than just the ground beneath our feet: Soil sustains life and is a mass storage of CO2. 3X more CO2 is stored in soil than in the atmosphere.

Agricultural activities, e.g. over-irrigation, over-fertilisation, etc. deteriorate soil health and fertility. This sets off a chain reaction that ultimately results in environmental damage and desertification.

Soil analytics is the health and fitness monitor for soils. It tells you how healthy and fit your soil is and what actions are necessary to keep it fertile and in shape. Soil analytics is the key to profitable and resilient agriculture.

Why 3D soil maps?

Plants absorb moisture and nutrients through their roots. And roots grow below the ground, in soils.

For effective irrigation and optimal fertilisation of soils, you need to know soil moisture levels and soil nutrient content and distribution below the ground, at different depths.

3D Soil maps

3D Soil Maps – in contrast to both discrete sensor measurements and 2D surface maps – provide you with this information in a continuous manner at different depths. You understand when and how best to irrigate and fertilise your farms, improve your margins, and save your time.

3D soil moisture maps

What is the soil moisture concentration below the soil surface, where the roots also grow? Do you need to irrigate your fields, or are moisture levels sufficient?

SmartCloudFarming’s 3D Soil Moisture Maps provides you with high resolution and up-to-date information about soil moisture content in the depth, and not just on the surface.

This optimises your irrigation cycles, keeps your soil healthy, and improves your business’ bottomline.

3D soil nutrient maps

What is the distribution of soil elements essential for plant growth – Nitrogen (N), Phosporus (P), Potassium (K), Magnesium (Mg) – in the soil? Both on the surface and below it, where the roots actually grow? What does the pH distribution look like?

The company’s 3D Soil NPK Maps – created using hyperspectral imagery and ground data – provide you such information in a visual and easy-to-understand manner.

With 3D Soil NPK Maps you understand your soil better and can optimally fertilise your fields, thus reducing farm emissions and improving your margins.

Soil organic carbon monitoring

How is the organic carbon content of soil changing? How has this been changing over the years? How fertile will your soil be like in 5-10 years’ time? Must farming practices be changed?

Soil Carbon

SmartCloudFarming’s soil organic carbon monitoring algorithm uses remote sensing data and advanced climate science research to provide answers to such questions and more. Thus helping you make informed decisions regarding soil management and carbon storage.

Make more with your soil data!

Do you possess soil data? Or are you a farmland owner? Then, be a part of the soil data community and share your soil data with us. You help us map soils in 3D and earn additional revenues in the process.

Your soil data will be used for:

» Mapping soils in 3D

» Generate soil health benchmarks

» Carry out deep soil analyses.



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