Abhishek Mohan, founder, Hempstreet India: Taking medicinal Hemp to new Highs

Hempstreet is India’s first research to retail venture in the Ayurvedic Cannabis (Hemp) sector. The company is working in conjunction with top-notch scientists to conduct R&D around safe medication utilising cannabis to be provided via its network of over 60,000 medical practitioners and 220 clinics around India.

The brainchild of Abhishek Mohan, Founder, Hempstreet India (https://hempstreet.in) strives to bring an effective and responsible usage of cannabis, especially on the pain relief front, to a potential patient base of over 35 million individuals. Being the first player on such scale, the company has voluntarily taken on the responsibility of defining industry standards in this sunrise sector, be it world-class research, supply chain tracking or the responsible and regulated formulation and dispensing of cannabis-based medication.abhishek mohan

HempStreet is committed towards sourcing from small farmers, post obtaining licenses for Cannabis contract farming. “We envision cannabis to be the Saviour for them,” says Abhishek.

Recently UN reclassified Cannabis to tap its medicinal potential. India was part of this decision making. This will definitely go a long way in removing the taboo about the plant in India, feels Abhishek. But he cautions about the spew of spurious companies. “The industry is seeing a lot of fly by night operators or marketing companies that really have no interest in following the ethical method of dispensation,” he says.

Hempstreet India uses Block-chain integration to track every pill manufactured so as to counter any chance of abuse.

Cannabis in Ayurveda

Ayurveda, a sub-script of Atharvaveda, recognises cannabis plant as one of the five sacred plants in the Vedas. Ayurvedic scripts mention cannabis or marijuana as vijaya, translated from Sanskrit. Cannabis, otherwise known as ganja/bhang is well-known for its connection with Lord Shiva, it is believed to have been introduced to humankind by Lord Shiva.

Citations in history write Lord Shiva, known as the lord of vijaya, once stormed off to the fields after a feud with his family. It was only then that he was enchanted by an aromatic smell, which calmed his nerves. His intriguing nature, led him to further investigation of the plant. And soon, due to the plant exhibiting properties of acting as a driver into the higher consciousness, it was also used by many great sages for their advancement in spirituality. Indian hemp, Cannabis sativa, is being cultivated since then, as a source of oil and medicine, since its non-psychcoactive constituent CBD, exhibit properties of being highly nutritious and therapeutic. Vetiver, the organic name of cannabis grass, is hailed for its actions of that of an antidepressant, women hormones balancer, analgesic, appetizer and many more.Hemp Syrup

The nutritional composition of Indian hemp seed is approximately 20-25% protein, 25-35% oil, 20-30% carbohydrates and 10-15% insoluble fiber. This composition, when filtered for its unwanted constituents, such as small amount of THC in it, does not only act as a cure for diseases but also as a source of raw material for manufacturing products, such as CBD oil, which has been ingested by many in a vaporiser, as it dissolves in the bloodstream, producing better effects. The cannabinoid, terpenes, in cannabis plant, is also used for its fragrance in the perfume industry.


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