Do you know your Indian Superfoods?

Indians have a closely tight knitted relation with food and they are so trained to consume many food items which literally is everything the human body needs. There are so many great local superfood items available in the market and are consumed by different diversities that exist in India. Let’s get some facts of what Indian local superfoods offer to 1.3 Billion people.


What are Superfoods?

Superfoods are items which we consume or we should definitely add to our diet. They are the food items which have plenty of nutrients and resources and less calories making it the ideal food habit that helps in body’s growth. They are enriched with vitamins, minerals and plenty of antioxidants. And most superfood items are plant-based. Fruits and vegetables are great sources of superfoods, and are very common food items.


How does Superfood benefit us?

As we know they are full of nutrients, they also contain vitamins, minerals and antioxidants, and antioxidants help to reverse diseases like heart disease, cancer, immune deficiency, stroke, arthritis and others. 



Super Foods



Which are the common Local Indian Superfoods?

Soy is one of the rich items to consume as superfoods, consumption of soybean helps to control bad cholesterol and help to prevent age related memory loss problems. They not only increase bone-density but also help to relieve the symptoms of menopause and other issues related to menopause. 


Tea is one of the sources which not only benefits health but satisfies the taste buds of human beings, it is proven to be great anti-inflammatory and helps to reduce stress. Both Green and milk tea proves in development of reduced stress levels in individuals. Consumption of green tea also helps in weight loss and clear skin. 


Green leafy vegetables are full of vitamins like vitamins like A,B,C,K,E helping individuals in meeting their fiber requirements. Leafy vegetables are also full of Potassium, Calcium, Magnesium  and Iron. consuming the kale, spinach beetroots helps in prevention of constipation and digestion diseases and relieves the digestion tract problems.


Dark Chocolates contain flavonoids, which act as a great antioxidant and helps in curing certain cancer cells and heart diseases, it also helps in building immune strength. Cacao powder present in dark chocolate is the real hero. 


Other food items like Berries, Wine and Grapes, Garlic, Wheatgrass, Beets and Beetroot  juice, Turmeric, Barley, Sunflower seeds Etc. can be included in  our daily diet. You can try different bowls of salads, and cereals.  India is full of such local superfoods and brings a positive impact in individuals’ lives by making it a healthy living.



Also Read: Why Moringa is a great Superfood for Women

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