Driscoll’s: The berry innovators

For over a century, Driscoll’s has stood as a beacon of excellence in the berry industry. What began in the late 1860s as a small venture in the Pajaro Valley of California has grown into a global enterprise, known for producing the finest strawberries, raspberries, blackberries, and blueberries. At the heart of this family-owned company lies a deep commitment to sustainable agriculture, thriving communities, and the well-being of every person involved in bringing these beloved berries to market.

A symphony of tradition and innovation

At Driscoll’s, the art of growing berries is a harmonious blend of tradition and innovation. The company partners with independent growers, treating them as an extended family. This relationship is built on mutual respect, trust, and a shared goal of nurturing both the land and the people who work it. Whether they are multi-generational growers with decades of experience or first-time farmers just starting out, all are encouraged to exchange ideas and innovations that enhance biodiversity, sustainability, and opportunity.

Driscoll’s innovative approach is evident in the way it fosters collaboration among its growers. By sharing knowledge and techniques, Driscoll’s helps its partners grow better, more resilient crops. This collaborative spirit not only boosts the quality of the berries but also strengthens the ecosystems that support them. In fact, about 85% of Driscoll’s revenue is returned to these independent farms, ensuring their financial stability and continued growth.

Empowering the people behind the berries

Central to Driscoll’s mission is the belief that you cannot care for the land without caring for the people who work it. The company is dedicated to creating a thriving workforce by ensuring that the conditions under which its berries are grown and harvested are respectful, fair, and empowering. Driscoll’s recognises that harvesters play a vital role in delivering fresh, quality berries to consumers, and treating them with dignity is not just an ethical obligation but also crucial to the future of the business.

The workforce at Driscoll’s is primarily employed by independent growers, but the company takes its responsibility as a trusted brand seriously. It has developed a set of labour standards that go beyond local laws, ensuring that farm workers are treated with respect, have safe and healthy working conditions, and earn a sufficient income to live with dignity. These standards are rigorously enforced through third-party audits, and any issues identified are addressed through comprehensive improvement plans.Driscoll's

Driscoll’s commitment to its workforce extends beyond compliance. The company invests in training and capacity-building initiatives, equipping growers with the knowledge and tools they need to uphold high labour standards. This approach not only improves working conditions but also enhances the overall quality of the berries.

Environmental stewardship

Driscoll’s is acutely aware of the challenges posed by climate change and the need for sustainable resource management. The company is committed to environmental stewardship, working with the land, not against it, to ensure the long-term viability of agriculture. Driscoll’s supports innovations and sustainable practices that protect natural resources, particularly water, which is essential for growing healthy, delicious berries.

One of the company’s key initiatives is its Water Stewardship Statement, which outlines business-wide objectives focused on water quality and quantity in high-risk growing regions. Driscoll’s collaborates with growers, community leaders, and water management agencies to drive collective action on water conservation. For instance, in California’s Pajaro Valley, the company is piloting a project to collect stormwater on farms to replenish aquifers, demonstrating its commitment to sustainable water management.

Driscoll’s also advocates for responsible water management policies at the state level. The company was an early supporter of California’s Sustainable Groundwater Management Act, which aims to achieve groundwater sustainability by 2042. Through partnerships with NGOs, universities, and conservation groups, Driscoll’s continues to explore new ways to conserve water and protect the environment for future generations.

Vibrant communities: Building stronger, healthier neighbourhoods

Driscoll’s believes that wherever it grows berries, it also grows the strength of its communities. The company invests in local health and education programmes, safeguards vital spaces, and promotes the social and physical well-being of everyone in its growing regions. Since 2016, Driscoll’s has given over $1.3 million in grants and supported more than 400 organisations, demonstrating its commitment to building vibrant communities.

The company’s charitable giving programme is strategic and focused on long-term impact. Driscoll’s partners with independent growers and local experts to identify the needs of their communities. Once solutions are agreed upon, non-profit organisations are invited to submit grant proposals. These projects are designed to become self-sustaining over time, ensuring that the positive impact continues long after the initial funding has been utilised.

Driscoll’s also encourages its employees to engage with their communities through volunteerism and charitable giving. In 2018 alone, Driscoll’s employees volunteered over 15,000 hours, and the company matched more than 300 employee donations. This collective effort strengthens the bond between Driscoll’s and the communities where it operates, creating a sense of shared purpose and responsibility.Driscoll's

Mastering the art and science of berry growing

Driscoll’s berries are not just delicious; they are the result of years of careful research and development. The company’s Berry Innovators, a team of agronomists, breeders, sensory analysts, plant health scientists, and entomologists, work tirelessly to perfect the art and science of berry growing. Using natural, traditional breeding methods such as hand cross-pollination, Driscoll’s develops patented berry varieties that are firm, juicy, and bursting with flavour.

The Driscoll’s Strawberry Sensory Wheel is a testament to the company’s dedication to quality. This innovative tool allows the Berry Innovators to objectively identify and communicate the flavour dimensions of strawberries, blueberries, raspberries, and blackberries. By combining the sensory dimensions of taste, texture, flavour, aroma, and mouthfeel, Driscoll’s ensures that its berries provide a truly exceptional eating experience.

Driscoll’s rich history is marked by a series of milestones that have shaped the company into the global leader it is today. From the early days of growing and selling strawberries in the Pajaro Valley to the development of the first patented strawberry variety in 1958, Driscoll’s has always been at the forefront of innovation in the berry industry. The company’s commitment to quality, sustainability, and community has remained steadfast, guiding its growth and success over the decades.

Today, Driscoll’s continues to lead the way in producing the finest berries in the world. With a focus on environmental stewardship, a thriving workforce, and vibrant communities, Driscoll’s is more than just a berry company; it is a force for positive change, dedicated to enriching lives and preserving the planet for future generations.

As Driscoll’s looks to the future, its commitment to excellence remains unwavering. The company will continue to innovate, collaborate, and invest in the people and communities that make its success possible, ensuring that the legacy of Driscoll’s berries endures for many more generations to come.

Read more: How Mausam Narang mastered the art of cheesemaking

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