Name change for the game change

Decathlon, a major retailer of sporting goods, has taken a step towards sustainability with an innovative programme that promotes “reverse shopping”. Decathlon has figuratively turned around its own brand to reflect its reverse selling service. For a month in Belgium, Decathlon stores in the three Belgian cities of Evere, Namur, and Ghent have changed their names to “Nolhtaced,” which is Decathlon spelled backwards. Both Decathlon’s website and its social media pages use the name.

Decathlon showroom in sunset

Now that Decathlon has made this change, customers can return their used athletic items to the company and have them either resold with a warranty or refurbished to their original condition for resale. Decathlon Belgium wrote in its press release, “from now on you can also shop in reverse: in addition to buying sports equipment, you can also sell your own old or unused sports equipment. Decathlon repairs it and then resells it second-hand and with warranty. The aim is to reuse as many items as possible and thus limit the impact on our environment and avoid waste. Through Decathlon’s second-hand range, consumers with less purchasing power also have the opportunity to buy high-quality sports equipment at a lower price.”

With this campaign, Nolhtaced hopes to persuade as many customers as possible to give used or outdated sporting goods a second chance. In order to meet the growing demand for used goods in Belgium, the chain of sports stores plans to extend its selection of used goods through the extensive campaign.

Decathlon will accept sporting items, including those not originally purchased from the company, in exchange for coupons with a two-year expiration date.

However, underwear, swimsuits, socks, and helmets are the only items that cannot be purchased with the two-year-valid coupons. In addition, the products will be sent to a recycling hub if they cannot be fixed or used again. The purpose of the action is to raise public awareness of eco-friendly practices.

The store claims that during the test phase, 26,000 items totaling €593,220 in vouchers have already been gathered in Belgium.

The strategy is commendable for both individuals who already own things from other brands and those who are unable to acquire it directly.

The initiative is also a step toward businesses cooperating in harmony for the benefit of both society and the environment.

Decathlon showroom

An sustainable idea

Through reverse shopping the idea of return and reuse through ways of refurbishment can be comprehended. It occurs when customers return the old or unopened products they purchased from the business, and the business systematically renews and resells them while the item is still covered by warranty. It is one type of trend that will never get old or unnecessary. It would always replace an environmentally safe method because it is vital at the present

This type of initiative has many advantages of its own. For instance, reverse shopping will significantly reduce the amount of waste produced because the products won’t go to waste and will instead be resold. As a result, the environment will benefit, and people will be glad that an attempt is being made to do so as well.

The fact that if a product is returned and put back on sale, reverse shopping maintains a continual flow of goods is another advantage of such initiatives. Thus, it will lessen the frequency with which shops must proclaim things sold out.

Read More: Tackling eco anxiety about Climate change

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