Arundhati Kumar a fashion enthusiast, adores bags. Every 3-4 years she would get herself expensive leather bags and use them for quite a long time. During her career break in 2019, she decided to join her father’s business in premium leather exports.
Sustainability and climate change have been trending topics since a couple of years. So, Arundhati started exploring the connection between sustainability and leather and how she could build the business aligning both. She later discovered on-going research on exciting materials and though none of them were perfect solutions, it was a remarkable improvement over synthetic vegan leathers which are practically plastic.
Journeying from reducing the use of single-plastic to utilising drip irrigation to water balcony plants, becoming more conscious about shopping habits and switching to sustainable choices, Arundhati finally succeeded in sowing the seeds of her own sustainable and plant-based fashion brand, “Beej”.
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