What can you do with an Organic Agriculture Degree?

Thats the question, what can you do with an Organic Agriculture Degree? Nowadays, students can study an array of topics, such as insect conservation, floriculture, and slug control, in the organic farming field, as more colleges implement organic on-campus farms, research programs, certificate programs, and bachelors and graduate degrees.

The USDA also recently began funding organic agriculture in higher education, offering grants to support research in the field. Penn State, for instance, received US$ 1.3 million from the USDA in November to further research on helping farmers transition to organic crops and livestock.

Although organic agriculture has become a more common staple at colleges in the past 15 years, the field has a long history in both higher education and the agriculture industry as a whole.

Corn Farm

Rachel Carson’s 1962 book “Silent Spring” discusses the environmental consequences of using pesticides. Eight years after its publication, Americans celebrated the country’s first Earth Day.

In the mid-1970s, students at UC Davis began exploring the concept of alternative agriculture. The Student Experimental Farm, as it was called, ultimately stuck around. Now, the university is home to the Agricultural Sustainability Institute.

But the organic agriculture movement didn’t truly gain momentum until the 1990s and early 2000s. At this time, the US experienced an increased demand for organic foods, according to Professor Stefan Seiter, senior instructor and advisor in crop and soil science at Oregon State University (OSU).

Seiter began teaching sustainable agriculture in 1999 in Pennsylvania. In 2005, he developed and taught OSU’s first organic agriculture course – and students were eager to enroll.

“OSU’s original ‘organic farming and gardening’ course grew quickly to the point where multiple lab sections were offered. Students come from across campus, many without prior background in agriculture,” Seiter said.Farming

Around that time, other universities, including the University of Florida, Washington State University, Michigan State University, and Colorado State University, started developing full organic agriculture degrees.

Today, many schools across the country offer programs in organic and sustainable agriculture, allowing students to specialize in areas such as crops, horticulture, pest control, and soil quality.

Where Can You Study Organic Farming in the US?

Many schools offer degrees, as well as certificates and training programs, in organic agriculture. Below is a selection of undergraduate programs in organic farming at colleges and universities in USA.


In India

India’s first Organic Farming University is coming up in Gujarat.

Meanwhile, in a first of its kind initiative, the Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU) in collaboration with the Agricultural and Processed Food Products Export Development Authority (APEDA) of the Ministry of Commerce, Govt. of India, has developed a 6-months duration Certificate in Organic Farming Programme.  As it would be imparted in IGNOU’s Open and Distance Learning (ODL) mode, persons with Secondary School qualification (10+2 pass) in any part of the country could enroll in it.


The main objective of the programme is to:

  • impart knowledge and proficiency in Organic production practices, Certification process and marketing of organically raised agricultural produces,
  • promote self-employment and income generation.

Certificate in Organic Farming (COF): Duration 6 months to 2 years; course fe Rs 4800 Eligibility: 10+2 Senior secondary pass-outs.

Some of the other Universities offering courses in Organic Farming:

  • Sam Global University, Bhopal
  • Mahatma Jyoti Rao Phoole University, Jaipur
  • Maharishi Arvind University (MAU), Jaipur
  • Jayoti Vidyapeeth Women’s University, Jaipur
  • Srimad Andavan Arts & Science College, Tiruchirappalli
  • Bharathidasan University Constituent Arts and Science College, Tiruchirappalli
  • Radhey Hari Govt. P.G. College ( RHGPGC) , Kashipur
  • Yadava College, Madurai
  • Pdt. Poornanand Tiwari Government Degree College, Nainital
  • Brainware University, Kolkata
  • Swami Vivekananda University, Kolkata
  • Uttar Pradesh Rajarshi Tandon Open University, Allahabad
  • Uttarakhand Open University, Haldwani.

What Can You Do With an Organic Agriculture Degree?

One popular career option for organic agriculture students is to become an organic farmer, which normally involves managing other employees and carrying out essential tasks like marketing and selling food.Organic Farming Degree

Other career paths include working for the USDA 9or the equivalent in your country), in which you could contribute to the organic food certification process, and finding a job as an inspector, in which you would evaluate farms for federal or state government agencies.

You could also become a consultant, helping farmers expand their operations and strategize to overcome challenges. Alternatively, you might try your hand at working as a purchasing agent or buyer for grocery stores or restaurants.

Many students stay in academia as well, eventually earning a master’s degree or Ph.D. in organic agriculture or a related field. A doctorate can help individuals land jobs in academic or industry research.

Should You Study Organic Agriculture?

Students decide to pursue degrees in organic farming for many reasons besides ethical considerations. Many learners choose a career in organic agriculture because they want to make a tangible difference in the world.

“If you work in this field, you can make an impact on some real serious issues we face today, including climate change and human health,” Seiter said.

The steadily growing demand for organic agriculture is an encouraging sign in terms of potential job opportunities. Although the BLS does not collect data specifically for organic farming, the agency published a report, which concluded that “given the increases in organic food sales … opportunities are likely to continue in the occupations related to organic foods.”Organic Farming Degree

Nevertheless, organic farming only makes up a small percentage of the job market. Seiter advises students to not just study organic farming techniques but to also acquire skills that will make them competitive in the agriculture and food industries in general.

“Organic food is still a growing sector in the food industry. That means that you need knowledgeable employees along the entire supply chain, from production to marketing,” Seiter explained. “The job market is still not very clear, so as a student, I would make sure that I am also employable outside of organic agriculture.”

Source: https://www.bestcolleges.com

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