Arundhati Kumar a fashion enthusiast, adores bags. Every 3-4 years she would get herself expensive leather…
Editors Pick
Morarka Organic: Taking big steps towards organic
Leading industrialist Kamal Morarka, worked his entire life to build social capital. And his work became…
A rare fruit discovered by monks is now in India
Lakanto, a globally leading brand comes from the house of Saraya, a Japanese manufacturing company that…
Hyba seeds: Planting new hope
“Plant your hope in healthy soil”, is the motto of Hyba Seeds, a Microbial Encapsulation technology-based…
World’s first blueberry and mango peanut butter launched by Ambrosia Organic Farm
India’s first organic company, Ambrosia Organic Farm has recently launched the world’s first flavoured peanut butter.…
Ecotyl: Nurturing organic with sustainability
There is a philosophy that the manner in which food is grown has a long-term impact…
Simply superb!: A swim wear collection made from recycled fishing nets
Volcom is a lifestyle brand that designs board sports-oriented products. The brand was founded in 1991…
What a boxx of benefits
In his numerous travels, Pieter Hoff, a lily breeder and exporter/importer of bulbs from Holland, discovered…
RuKart: A cool idea that’s helping marginal farmers
The sudden hit of the global pandemic, coronavirus and therefore the announcement of lockdown all across…
This company makes disposable cutlery from avocado pits
Biofase is a Mexican based non-food bioplastic resin that does not use any kind of food…