Why Moringa is a great Superfood for Women

The health benefits of Moringa are well-documented, with additional research on its benefits released each year. It’s called “the miracle tree” in many cultures around the world, and for good reason!

Moringa has been used for centuries as a way to get the key nutrients women need to thrive. Before modern-day labs, our ancestors recognised its medicinal properties. Today, science is starting to come forth with repeated tests that affirm moringa’s amazing nutritional portfolio. It is an incredible asset to women’s health and is easy to add to a daily routine.

AVKR Moringa Promise Wellness, an organic farm in Cumbum Valley, Tamil Nadu founded by Ranjith Kumar lists some of the Superfood’s essential benefits, especially for Women:

1. Moringa is like a Multivitamin

What we feed our bodies also feeds the systems that compose our bodies. It is high in vitamins A, C, E and a handful of B vitamins. These vitamins are known as “antioxidant vitamins” and they help combat illness and infection. Vitamins A and E also help keep cells healthy, and prevent cellular mutations. Moringa for Women

Moreover, Vitamin E is a helpful tool with PMS. That ever-familiar bloated and groggy feeling each month? Moringa might help with some of those symptoms. Vitamin E is also one of those vitamins that help with skin, hair and nail health. That’s why some people are using moringa in their homemade face masks.

Women need ample B vitamins to help prevent fatigue and boost cognitive function. B vitamins work with other vitamins to turn calories into energy, by way of increasing metabolism. It is a good source of vitamins B1, B2 and B3, more than any other plant source.

One serving of moringa has four times the calcium of milk, four times the Vitamin A of carrots, and three times the potassium of bananas. We cover this in depth in our Battle of the Greens article, which covers its comparative profile.

Calcium is important to help prevent osteoporosis and heart disease. Iron deficiency is one of the most common deficiencies among young women and can lead to anaemia. Plant-based protein helps your basic cell structures remain healthy and robust. Potassium helps maintain a healthy heart, muscle strength and a strong metabolism. It also helps against anxiety and stress, which seems to be like the problem du joir for our generation.

2. Moringa is a mood enhancer

Some days simply need a mood enhancement, and Moringa can helps with that. In times of stress, it’s reassuring to have a quick, easy way to get the nutrients we need as women – especially during uncertain times.

How does Moringa affect mood? It’s complicated, but we’ll summarise the key points. It’s important to remember that there’s no one superfood that is a “cure-all” for overall health. Sustained, daily habits build long-term health. It’s the collection of these habits that help with overall feelings of vitality and wellness. Moringa is just one piece of that puzzle!Drumsticks

Moringa can help balance our neurotransmitters and in turn, uplift our mood. How? Neurotransmitters are the chemicals that communicate to your brain how to function and which parts of the brain should be working.

One study reveals how Moringa helps with the release of Serotonin, a key neurotransmitter associated with mood, memory and the stress response system. Much like exercise releases a bucket of neurotransmitters in your brain – and thus help life your mood and combat stress – It can help your brain release Serotonin.

This factor, combined with the antioxidant factors of Moringa, can help fight oxidative stress. Whether the stress is from looming deadlines, uncertain times, or environmental stressors, Moringa might help your overall wellness.

3. Moringa as an aphrodisiac

Moringa has also been seen as a sort of aphrodisiac and performance enhancer in bed. Scientists aren’t exactly sure how this is happening, but part of the theory is that it may reduce the stress hormones. When we are less stressed, we are more likely to be in the mood for other pleasures. Th overall nutrient-density of moringa may also help with this; when we eat foods that are rich in vitamins, we are more likely to have the energy to engage in more physical activities.

Moringa also helps block the brain activities responsible for sexual dysfunction, and helps increase testosterone in the brain; testoserone is not just a hormone for men. Another study found that moringa extract increased blood flow in the sexual organs for both males and females.

4. Moringa is rich in iron

Anaemia is a condition when the blood doesn’t have enough healthy red blood cells or haemoglobin to transport oxygen to the body’s cell.

Anaemia often results in fatigue, lightheadedness, and shortness of breath. The condition currently affects 3.5 million Americans. Recent studies suggest that moringa leaves may be better at improving iron sufficiency than conventional iron supplements.

One tablespoon of the leaf powder provides an excellent source of iron. Moringa also has 7 times the amount of iron as spinach. Making sure you have an iron-rich diet can be as easy as adding a scoop of it to your daily smoothie.

5. Moringa is a lactation enhancer

Moringa is great for lactating mothers. Multiple studies have shown that moringa can increase the amount of breast milk produced by new moms. In one study, new moms who were given 350 mg of it per day produced significantly more breast milk than those given a placebo.

Moringa not only increases the amount of breast milk produced by new mothers, but it also makes enriches the nutritional quality of breast milk. It is also high in Vitamin A, a nutrient of significant importance to newborn babies.

In West Africa, new mothers harness Moringa’s nutritional benefits by adding it to breast milk to fulfill infant nutrient requirements.

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